CATIA CAA RADE Online Training Institute
Get Developer Training & Tech. Support for High Salary Jobs & Excellent Career Growth in CAD + IT Industry.
Get step by step interactive online training for CATIA CAA.
Get complete career guidance including Job opportunities & CAA project support.
We provide training directly on CATIA CAA if you already know C++ very well.
If you are new to programming then we provide training from basic programming to professional application development using CAA.
Why Learn CATIA CAA Automation & Customization?

Compared to CATIA 3D Design or Modeling Get much more salary in CATIA CAA Automation or Custmization using C, C++ programming.

There are plenty of competition for CATIA Designer jobs but very less competition and very good demand for CATIA CAA Developers.

We are experts in teaching CATIA CAA Automation & Customization using C, C++ programming. with our experience we can help you learn easily.
Course Structure
1st Month Training
C, C++ Programming Language
- Basic Programming Concepts.
- Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
- Console Application Development.
- Windows Form application Development.
- DLL / Class Library Development.
- Developing & Debugging Programs in Visual Studio.
- Pointers & references
- Interacting with Excel
2nd Month Training
- COM Notations
- Development Architecture
- Object Modeler
- Application Frame
- User Interaction
- Product Structure & Assembly
- Specification Modeler
- Mechanical Modeler
- Knowledgeware
C++ Fundamentals
- Classes
- Objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Data types
- Conditions
- Loops
- Pointers & references
- Methods
COM Notations
- Dynamic Linking
- Exporting Objects
- Managing Lifetime
- Extending Objects
- IUnknown
- Smart Pointers
Development Architecture
- One Technological Choice
- CAA Solution Architecture
Development Architecture
- Overview
- Interface / Implementation Design Pattern
- Link between Interface & Implementation
- Extension Mechanism
- Late Type
- Life Cycle
- Smart Pointer
- Coding Rules
Object Modeler
- CATIA V5 frame editor
- Workshop
- Workbench
- And Addin
Application Frame
- Commands
- Dialog Objects
- Layout Management
- Command / Dialog Integration
- Resources
User Interaction
- Product
- Connector
- Publication
- Constraint
Product Structure & Assembly
- Reason Of Using Specifications
- Object Specs Modeler Objectives
- Feature Structure
- Document architecture
Specification Modeler
- Reason Of Using Specifications
- Object Specs Modeler Objectives
- Feature Structure
- Document architecture
Mechanical Modeler
- Objectives
- Frameworks
- The CATPart document
- The mechanical features
- Overview
- Literal Feature
- Relation
Job Assistance
- Project support
- Mock Interviews
- Interview Questions